Human Performance Optimization for the Tactical Athlete from a Nutrition Perspective
Role of Nutrition for Military Performance
Gender-Specific Fueling for the Female Athlete
The Role of the Menstrual Cycle and The Importance of a Period
Metabolic Efficiency Training for Athletes
Using Nutrition Periodization to Enhance Performance
Foods vs Supplements
Most people take at least one supplement. But not everybody considers the instances where supplements have benefits or detriments compared to food.
Dietary and Nutritional Supplementation to Enhance the Effects of Resistance Training
Nutrition and Resistance Training
Nutrition for the Injured Athlete
The clinical nutrition that all sports dietitians need to know
Making Weight by the Best Means Necessary
The ins and outs of water manipulation for weight class sports.
Ketogenic Diets
Health, performance and discrepancies between research protocols and lay application.