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Struggling to achieve high levels of game time energy? 

Ignite the Field 700 x 200 png

Struggling to achieve high levels of game time energy? 


Google Play 

2 Week Free Trial

Who Should Enroll?

Soccer athletes aiming to rapidly increase their game time energy levels. It is for athletes that are struggling to compete at the highest level for an entire soccer game.

Who Should Enroll?

Soccer athletes aiming to rapidly increase their game time energy levels. It is for athletes that are struggling to compete at the highest level for an entire soccer game.

What To Expect

Increased Game Time Energy Levels
Quicker Muscle Recovery  
Improved Stamina and Endurance
Maximize Workout Performance

What To Expect

Increased Game Time Energy Levels
Quicker Muscle Recovery  
Improved Stamina and Endurance
Maximize Workout Performance

Powerful Game Time Energy | Improved Workout Peformance

Quickly Learn These Secrets


FUEL YOUR GAINS with High Energy Nutrition Strategies




ENHANCE stamina for better workout performance


MAXIMIZE MEAL TIMING for Accelerated Endurance


STRATEGICALLY PLAN MEALS for Optimal Muscle Recovery


AVOID Common
Mistakes Athletes Make  

Ignite the Field Program Goals  

Balanced Breakfast to Kickstart the Day Energized
Consistent Breakfast Routine for Steady Energy Levels and Improved Focus
Balanced Lunch for Sustained Afternoon Energy
Energizing Snacks for Sustained Stamina
Daily Hydration Routine to Reduce Fatige and Increase Energy
Game Day Hydration is Crucial for Sustained Energy
Strategic Pre-Game Carbs for Peak Performance
Carb Adaptive Nutrition for Intensive Training
Recovery Focused Training Meals for Prolonged Soccer Performance
Pre-Practice Snacks for Energy Boost
Quick Energy Snacks for Immediate Game-Time Boost
Halftime Nutrition for Second-Half Energy Surge
Post-Game Nutrition for Rapid Recovery
Post-Workout Protein for Endurance Recovery
Post-Tournament Recovery Focus for Endurance
Optimized Sleep for Improved Soccer Stamina
On-the-Go Nutrition for Improved Soccer Peformance
Nutrition Planning to Sustain Multi-Game Energy Levels
Customized Supplement Plan for Enhanced Soccer Energy

Increased Game Time Energy

Improved Workout Performance

Powerful Energy Reserves

Each Athlete Receives

Eat 2 Win Sports Nutrition App Premium Features
Personalized Program with Goals Based Measurable Outcomes 
Direct Access to your Selected Sports Dietitian
Redeem Rewards and Prizes from App Engagment

Meet the Eat 2 Win Sports Nutrition App

>> Variety of Customized Meal Plan Guides

>> In-App Message your Sports Dietitian

>> Schedule 15 Minute Consult with your Sports Dietitian

>> Parents added for FREE

>> Five Trackers

>> Meal Alerts

>> Rewards for App Engagement

>> Customize to your Caloric Demands

Ignite the Field App Home Page

Meet the Creators of the
Ignite the Field Program 

Quickly gain more game time energy. As your Sports Dietitians, we'll guide you to optimal results with the Ignite the Field Program. Let's rapidly increase your game time energy levels in order to reach your peak performance.

Giordana Koutavas, MBA, RDN, LDN
Janice Wen, MS, RD

Ignite teh field creators

Meet the Creators of the
Ignite the Field Program 

Quickly gain more game time energy. As your Sports Dietitians, we'll guide you to optimal results with the Ignite the Field Program. Let's rapidly increase your game time energy levels in order to reach your peak performance.

Giordana Koutavas, MBA, RDN, LDN
Janice Wen, MS, RD

Ignite teh field creators


Google Play 

2 Week Free Trial


Two options...
#1 In-App Message
#2 Schedule a 15 Minute Virtual Consults

#1 Download the Eat 2 Win App
#2 Create Account
#3 Select the Ignite the Field Program
#4 Start 2 Week Free Trial

You begin by selecting a GOAL that you want to achieve. Once you provide some information then your Sports Dietitian will provide feedback and you can ask follow-up questions. Work at it one goal at a time!