Dietary Supplement University, Christopher Mohr, PhD, RD
Next Level Podcast with Host Tavis Piattoly, MS, RD, LDN
Christopher Mohr, PhD, RD
Nutrition spokesperson and consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including the The Dairy Council, Clif Bar, Subway, Cardioviva and Nordic Naturals. He is a consulting Sports Nutritionist for the Cincinnati Bengals and is also the Sports Nutritionist for Under Armour’s Training Council.
In this podcast, Christopher Mohr, PhD RD a nutrition spokesperson and consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including the The Dairy Council, Clif Bar, Subway, Cardioviva and Nordic Naturals, discuses what you need to know about dietary supplements including dietary supplement safety and dietary supplement regulation. Dr. Mohr is a consulting Sports Nutritionist for the Cincinnati Bengals and is also the Sports Nutritionist for Under Armour’s Training Council. Through his company Mohr Results, Inc., he works with all types of individuals from soccer moms to collegiate and professional athletes making him an expert in this field.
In this podcast you will learn:
- What is DietarySupplementUniversity better known as Dietary Supplement U
- Where the concept for this project originate
- Can anyone use it as a resource, even a high school or college athlete
- What type of supplements does Dietary Supplement U review
- What type of supplements does Dietary Supplement U find consumers want to learn the most about
- Does he see athletes asking for a specific type of supplement for personal use
- Why consumers are confused about which supplements and brands are good.
- His concerns about the supplement industry?
- How can an athlete determine if his or her supplement is tested
- Whether athletes can get all of the nutrients from food or do they need a supplement
- One piece of information he would give to young athletes about supplements
- His personal supplement regimen
Podcast Transcript
0:00 Tavis Piattoly Introduction
- Guest - Dr. Christopher Mohr. Chris. Nutrition expert and nutrition consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including the Dairy Council, Clif Bar, Subway, Cardio Viva, and Nordic Naturals.
- He's a consulting Sports Nutritionist for the Cincinnati Bengals and is also the sports nutritionist for the Under Armour's Training Council through his company Mohr Results Inc.,
- works with all types of individuals from soccer moms to collegiate and professional athletes.
- He often appears on TV as a nutritional guest expert including an appearance with Chef Emeril Lagasse, and another on the Montel Williams Show.
- nutrition expert for the New York Times bestseller LL Cool J's Platinum Workout, and works closely with fitness celebrity Denise Austin to create the entire nutrition component of her latest book.
- He's on the Advisory Board for Men's Fitness Magazine and has written over 500 articles for consumer publications such as Men's Fitness, Weight Watchers, Men's Health and Fitness just to name a few.
- Dr. Mohr has a bachelors and masters of science degrees in nutrition from Penn State University and from University of Massachusetts.
- He earned his PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Pittsburg, and is also a Registered Dietitian.
2:50 What is Dietary Supplement University?
- Lots of confusion when it comes to supplements
- Everyone has different supplement needs based on goals
- Lots of biased websites that promote for their own personal gain.
- User friendly to make the best judgment when to comes to supplements
- Insights from many experts
4:25 Where the concept for this project originate?
- Originated from multiple dietitians
- Thousands of supplements makes it hard to sort through
5:57 Can anyone use it as a resource, even a high school or college athlete?
- Easy to use for any age
- Highlights popular supplements
- Covers general vitamins and minerals
- Covers performance supplements
7:27 What type of supplements does Dietary Supplement U find consumers want to learn the most about?
- Protein is a hot supplement that everyone wants to know about
- Creatine gets a lot of questions from parents
- Fish Oil has a lot of information on it
- Vitamin D gets a lot of media attention as well.
9:15 Does he see athletes asking for a specific type of supplement for personal use?
- Creatine and protein are talked about a lot
- Beta alanine is also talked about a lot
- Benefits of fish oil for athletes like fat loss and joint health
- Beet juice is more commonly asked about now
- Amino acids are also on the hot list
11:00 Why consumers are confused about which supplements and brands are good and concerns about the supplement industry?
- Big concern is the regulation
- They are regulated but companies are not living up to the standards that they should
- Even with fines, the profits would still be worth it
- Proprietery blends are used a lot in pre-workouts and makes it hard to know what you’re actually taking
14:21 How can an athlete determine if his or her supplement is tested
- NSF certification - clean from any banned substance
- Informed Choice - another reliable certification that certifies the supplement is clean from banned substances
17:21 Whether athletes can get all of the nutrients from food or do they need a supplement
- It is possible but it is challenging
- Food should always be the first option but it is not realistic
- Supplements can be a quick and easy option when food is not an option
- Certain things like fish oil can be difficult to get from only food
19:14 One piece of information he would give to young athletes about supplements
- What can you change within your diet?
- Food is a bigger fix than opting for a supplement
- Work with an expert if possible before taking supplements
21:51 His personal supplement regimen
- Fish oil everyday
- Protein supplements for convenience
- Probiotics
- Vitamin D
- Used to take creatine but goals are different now
22:54 More information
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Links and Resources
- Should I Take Supplements Guide
- Pre-workout Supplements: Good, Bad and Ugly Guide
- What is so Unique about the Marketing of Sports Supplements?
- What Secrets do the Supplement Companies not Want You to Know?
- Dietary Supplements and Athletic Performance
- Pre-Workout Supplements: Good, Bad and Ugly
- Sports Supplements for Young Athletes: Is Creatine Safe?
- Which Pre-Workout Supplements Should an Athlete Consider Taking?
- Which Pre-Workout Supplements Should an Athlete Never Use?
- Supplements: Do I Really Need Them?
- Drug and Supplement Testing in Sports
- Supplement Industry and Supplement Safety Course
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