Eat 2 Win Nutrition App

Download our unique mobile sports nutrition app for the on-the-go athlete or anyone interested in eating to win. You can find our app in the Apple and Android stores. Athletes, parents, coaches, support staff and teachers will love it!

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A unique online membership community packed full of opportunities to learn and interact with others who have the same passion that you have.....to help athletes improve their athletic performance the right way! Class is in session....on my couch, let's do it!


We have it! Podcasts, e-Books, Webinars, Blog Articles and Courses. All for the on-the-go Sports Nutrition professionals and athletes. All products or content are created by a licensed and registered Sports Dietitian!

Winners Who Believe In Us

  • Sports Dietitian

    “Tavis has played an integral role in helping my athletes achieve top performance through sound and practical nutrition education. I have seen firsthand the improvements in body composition, performance, and recovery with the programs he has designed. Tavis is one of the top Sports Dietitians in the industry and I only trust him in working with my high school, college, and professional athletes.”

    Sports Performance Specialist and Strength Coach

  • Sports Dietitian

    “The young growing athlete has many challenges facing them and nutrition is one that everyone seems to neglect or jump on the latest fad to try and find quick answers. I am so excited about My Sports Dietitian program.  These guys are doing it the right way.”

    Family Physician and Sports Medicine

  • Sports Dietitian

    “Good nutrition plays a critical role in helping our players recover faster, maintain a high level of energy, and improve their overall strength and conditioning. Since 2006, I’ve seen the results our players have achieved by working with Tavis.”

    Head Strength Coach, New Orleans Saints

  • Sports Dietitian

    “I spend money on many things such as athletic gear, travel expenses, team fees but nothing is more valuable than the health and well being of my child.

    The thing I like most about My Sports Dietitian program is that it engages other adults that care about my kids to get involved and encourages them to make good decisions about their diet.”


  • Sports Dietitian

    “A wealth of sports nutrition information packed into this web site. A go to source of information when I want to learn something new about Sports Nutrition. 2 Thumbs up!”


  • Sports Dietitian

    “Sports Nutrition done the right way can have an impact on the performance of high school athletes. The bottom line is My Sports Dietitian does it the right way and I’ve seen the results.”

    Head Football, Ascension Christian

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Should I Take Supplements?
Ask yourself these questions....

Pre-Workout Supplements:
Good, Bad and Ugly


23 Snack Options for Athletes

My Sports Dietitian is an Approved Provider
