Next Level Podcast with Host Tavis Piattoly, MS, RD, LD
Bob Murray, PhD, FACSM
Managing principal of Sports Science Insights, LLC, a consulting group that assists companies and organizations in need of targeted expertise in exercise science and sports nutrition.
On the Next Level Podcast, Tavis Piattoly interviews Bob Murray on current trends in testing dietary supplements and drugs in sports and how Aegis Shield can help inform athletes on the safety of supplements.
Bob Murray, PhD, FACSM is managing principal of Sports Science Insights, LLC, a consulting group that assists companies and organizations in need of targeted expertise in exercise science and sports nutrition. SSI’s clients range from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. Dr. Murray is also the Aegis Shield Scientific Director for the Aegis Sciences Corporation. Aegis Shield is an educational resource (website and mobile app) that helps keep athletes clean and in the game by identifying banned substances in dietary supplements.
Dr. Murray was the co-founder of the Gatorade Sports Science Institute and its director from 1985 to 2008. Dr. Murray’s research on the hydration needs of athletes and the physiological and performance responses to fluid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte ingestion contributed to the broader understanding of the importance of being well hydrated during exercise and of the role that carbohydrates and electrolytes play in helping athletes and nonathletes alike get the most out of their bodies during physical activity.
Bob served on the faculties of Boise State University (1980-1985; Associate Professor), Ohio State University (1979-1980; Lecturer), and Oswego State University (1974-1977; Assistant Professor and Men’s Swimming & Diving Coach). Bob received his PhD in exercise physiology from Ohio State University, is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, and an honorary member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
In this podcast you will learn:
1. Who Aegis Shield is and the type of testing they offer?
2. Bob's role with Aegis Shield.
3. Aegis’ new phone app that helps athletes detect banned substances in supplements.
4. Bob’s concerns with high school athletes taking supplements.
5. Product adulteration.
6. Common supplements that test positive for banned substances.
7. Aegis’ new 3rd party testing program.
8. What separates Aegis from other 3rd party testing companies.
9. The supplement testing business in 10 years.
10. Micro-dosing of Performance Enhancing Drugs and testing protocols to detect it.
11. Aegis’ partnership with the Taylor Hooton Foundation.
Podcast Transcript
0:00 Intro
3:38 Who Aegis Shield is and the type of testing they offer?
- Resource for anyone that wants to know about banned substances
- Shows if a supplement has banned substances for different sport organizations
4:45 Bob's role with Aegis Shield.
- Scientific director
- Educational content
- Aegis Shield certified program for supplements
5:38 Aegis’ new phone app that helps athletes detect banned substances in supplements.
- Scan barcode to see if there is banned substance or not
- Green, Yellow and Red color coding system for banned substance
- Search supplements by name
- Can figure out substance aliases
10:05 Bob’s concerns with high school athletes taking supplements.
- Very few people have the expertise to guide student athletes and parents when it comes to supplements
- Lack of education when it comes to supplements
12:15 Product adulteration
- Ingredients sometimes not added to label
13:16 Common supplements that test positive for banned substances.
- Muscle builder, weight loss and sexual enhancements are the highest in banned substances
- Spiking supplements with banned substances is easier with these big 3
15:21 Aegis’ new 3rd party testing program.
- Taking extra steps to evaluate products for banned substances
16:23 What separates Aegis from other 3rd party testing companies.
- Website and app are differentiators
- Section for certified products
18:24 The supplement testing business in 10 years.
- Will continue to grow
- Pressure to clean up the supplement industry
19:40 Micro-dosing of Performance Enhancing Drugs and testing protocols to detect it.
- Latest approach who want to cheat to get an advantage
- Taking small dose of banned substance so that it can’t be detected
21:04 Aegis’ partnership with the Taylor Hooton Foundation.
- Dedicated to make people aware of dangerous supplements
- Aegis shield has been a well kept secret and is a valuable resource
- Both groups have the same goal in mind
24:46 For More Information
- Aegis Shield has a website and app
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