My Sports Dietitian–Follow My Sports Dietitian On Instagram
Dietitians can work in a variety of settings - hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, schools, the government, and more. What many people probably don’t realize is there are over 125 Full-Time Sports Dietitians working in collegiate sports to ensure their athletes are meeting their nutritional needs. The collegiate Sports RD is an athlete’s secret weapon. Without the proper amount and type of fuel, it will be a long road for an athlete when trying to achieve peak performance and recovery. But, with the help of a Sports RD, an athlete’s performance can be taken to the next level.
Are you ever curious to know what athletes at some of the top colleges are being fed? What do some of the top Sports Dietitians recommend to fuel their athletes for peak performance? We’ve now made it easier not only for you to find your favorite college team's Instagram account to follow, but we also compiled a list of the best nutrition Instagram accounts for collegiate sports to take a deeper dive into what the athletes are being fed.
Appalachian State University
Auburn University
College of Charleston
Duke University
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Elon University
Fresno State
Iona College
James Madison University
Kansas State University
Lipscomb University
Marquette University
Michigan State
View this post on InstagramThese guys know how to fill the bucket and the grocery basket 🛒. #spartansfuel
Mississippi State University
Montana State University
North Carolina State University
Notre Dame University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University Football Nutrition
Pepperdine University
Queens University-Charlotte
Radford University
Southern Utah University
Standford University
Texas A&M
View this post on InstagramThese Aggies are fueled and ready to #bthokansas today! #smoothiesandwheatgrass
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
University of Iowa
University of Maryland
University of Alabama--Birmingham FB
University of Alabama- Birmingham
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Colorado-Boulder
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Louisville
University of Maryland FB Nutrition
University of Michigan
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska
University of North Carolina
University of Oklahoma
View this post on InstagramSneak in veggies through these fun, tasty, and easy methods! 🍅🥦🥬🥒🌶🌽🥕🧄🧅🍄 #FuelinOU
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Florida
University of Southern Mississippi
University of Texas
University of Utah
University of Virginia
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University of Washington
Utah State University
View this post on InstagramWhich carb foods stand out to you most? Comment your favorite way to fuel with carbs below👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
Washington State University
West Virginia University
Westchester University
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