Take a Breath: Fundamentals of Ventilations and Respirations

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Product Card Caitlin Place, LAT, ATC, NREMT

Take a Breath: Fundamentals of Ventilations and Respirations

Caitlin Place, LAT, ATC, NREMT


This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental physiology behind ventilations and respirations, highlighting the distinct roles each plays in the breathing process. Participants will delve into the use of artificial airways to ensure adequate ventilations and learn to identify and manage complications arising from ineffective breathing. The course also emphasizes the importance of accurate assessment and timely intervention to prevent hypoxia in both pediatric and adult patients.

The audience will learn how to:

  1. Differentiate between the physiological processes of ventilation and respiration.
  2. Relate the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system to the processes of ventilation and respiration.
  3. Recognize and assess the progressive signs of hypoxia in both pediatric and adult patients.
  4. Identify conditions that impair ventilation and respiration and understand their implications.
  5. Determine when artificial airways are necessary and implement strategies to ensure adequate ventilations.

1 Credit Hour as Approved by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC) 

Complete the Quiz with 70% pass rate and the certificate will be emailed to you.

Total due $19.99

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