Tobias J Jacobi CSCS, RSCC*E, USAW-L1, TPI-L1, USAT&F-L1, & HSSCC
This presentation equips high school strength coaches with research-backed strategies and practical solutions to manage the complexities of in-season and game-day training. Participants will explore the significance of continuous training accumulation, understanding its critical role in the long-term development of athletes. By integrating evidence-based approaches with real-world applications, coaches will gain the tools needed to optimize performance and ensure sustainable athlete development throughout the season.
The audience will learn how to:
- Analyze evidence-based research on in-season and game-day training to discern its application in high school athletics.
- Apply practical strategies for managing the challenges encountered during in-season and game-day training for high school athletes.
- Evaluate the broader implications of training accumulation, considering its impact on both immediate performance and long-term athlete development.
- Synthesize a comprehensive training plan that incorporates in-season strategies, addressing the dynamic needs of athletes while ensuring sustained development.
1 Credit Hour as Approved by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC)
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