Supplement Fundamentals for Athletes

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Product Card Brady Holmer

Supplement Fundamentals for Athletes

Brady Holmer, MS, PhD(c)

  • Description:
    • In this presentation, athletes and coaches will learn how to evaluate the scientific evidence for sports supplements to determine how to choose the most effective supplements for their particular discipline, beginning with a determination of if/why an athlete's needs supplements in the first place. Strategies will also be provided as to how athletes and coaches can begin to implement sports supplements into their training routine.
  • The audience will learn how to:
    • Evaluate scientific evidence for supplements and identity the highest-quality information sources.
    • Conduct a “needs-based” approach to supplementation and identify the most effective areas of implementation.
    • Strategically implement supplements into an athlete’s training.
  • 1 Credit Hour as Approved by Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)
  • 1 Credit Hour as Approved by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC)
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