Functional Sports Nutrition 101

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Functional Sports Nutrition 101

Kylene Bogden MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, CLT, IFNCP

  •  What you will learn in this course:

    • Learn how to assess an athlete through a Functional Medicine/Functional Nutrition Lens

    • Review safe and effective supplementation for sport through a functional lens

    • Understand the difference between a food allergy, food intolerance, and food sensitivity

    • Discover alternative options to standard pre and post-workout fuel

    • Learn how to properly guide an athlete through a standard elimination diet protocol without
      sacrificing health and performance

  • 1 Credit Hour as Approved by Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)

  • CDR Performance Indicators:  7.1.1, 7.2.1, 9.1.1, 9.5.1

  • 1 Credit Hour as Approved by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC)
  • CSSD Exam Competencies addressed:

    • Analyze and interpret available data in the context of enhancing athletic performance and health.

    • Explain how energy is stored in skeletal muscle and other tissues.

    • Evaluate and interpret factors influencing substrate use and exercise metabolism data.

    • Evaluate factors that contribute to exercise-induced fatigue.

    • Describe the effects of nutrition and exercise on health and performance.

    • Explain the use of carbohydrates during exercise training, competition, and recovery.

    • Explain the use of fat during exercise training, competition, and recovery.

    • Explain the use of protein and amino acids during exercise training, competition, and recovery.

    • Describe vitamin and mineral requirements for training and exercise.

    • Describe the potential risks of excessive vitamin and mineral supplementation on health and performance.

    • Describe antioxidant function in relation to exercise, recovery, and long-term training adaptations.

    • Describe the efficacy of vitamin and mineral supplementation on health and performance

    • Design nutrition plans for individuals and groups incorporating exercise-specific recommendations for carbohydrates.

    • Design nutrition plans for individuals and groups incorporating exercise-specific recommendations for protein.

    • Evaluate effects of inadequate vitamin and mineral status on health and performance.

    • Design nutrition strategies for individuals and/or groups for pre-workout and precompetition, during training and competition, and for recovery following training and competition.

    • Evaluate products, foods, and meals in accordance with compliance and permissibility rules of governing body.

    • Assess fluid and electrolyte balance in training and performance.

    • Evaluate the effects of dehydration, over-hydration, hypothermia, and hyperthermia on training and performance.

    • Design strategies for maintaining hydration and electrolyte balance before, during, and after exercise.

    • Evaluate fluid intake for training, performance, and recovery.

    • Evaluate the effects of environmental conditions on hydration status

    • Evaluate the efficacy and safety of popular diets for weight management, health, and performance.

    • Design nutrition strategies for active individuals with acute or chronic illness and/or injury.

Total due $19.99

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